So silly old me made a blog! But why? not for you to read, but for me!
From here on I will be posting about random shit and awesomeness from my life as well as how this new chapter I am about to start in my life is going, and most likely I will vent any frustration I have here too. To catalog all the ups and downs of this adventure!
Find a home or make one. everyone wonders at some point in there life where they belong and who they belong with. Its something I have been wondering for many years, and hell! I'm still not sure! But I think I've found a road that feels right! As for making one, well that’s to do with my new job i just scored in a place i like to call Londinius (yes that was an IT crowd ref ^_^).
I will be starting work next Monday for an architectural company as a junior architectural visualiser. For those that don’t know, this means I get given designs from the architects and I make them in 3D on the computer and produce photo realistic pictures to help sell the designs to clients. It could be anything from a huge towering office block to building renovation to a small house. This will be my first job using my degree since I graduated 2 and half long years ago. I am excited, nervous, grinning from ear to ear and completely and utterly petrified! Kinda like how i felt this time last year when I decided it would be a good idea to leave a perfectly good plane at nearly 14000 feet!
I have always lived in smaller places, from my home town of Margate to Salisbury and Bournemouth. I find these places to be just right size wise, easy to get around and not get lost. But now.... oh now I get to move to the big daddy capitol, and this scares the hell outta me! Now i know that most of it I will never see or have to find my way through thanks to the wonders of the tube, but still, I'm so used to being able to find my way round by myself.
As much as i love adventures, nothing is ever without its down sides. Now I am a HUGE geek and love my computer, the internet and computer games, i own 3 consoles, my pc is a quad core beefcake, and my sound system rocks. And I have to leave it all behind! sometimes I wish I had a laptop for the sake of convenience but I don’t, so my only contact with the big WWW will be through my new phone, finally gotten round to upgrading from the dirty, cheap, nasty, doesn't ring any more phone i have to something i bit more my style, has internet, has gps, and most of all WORKS! i thought long and hard about this as I've had to use some of my overdraft for it, but i cant afford to get lost in London if I have to go too far from the tube line, also im going to need a working phone for work as well. with leaving everything behind it will also keep me connected to my much loved friends who are also being left behind :( and keep me updated on all things geek that i follow, manga, tech news, events, games.
I will be living out of a suitcase, one that I've yet to decide on what to put in, for an undetermined amount of time, while surfing the sofa's of the few friends I have in London.
I keep running numbers on what i can afford before i get paid my first pay check and after, and most of what I've found is small and grotty, and my overdraft cant be increased either. I'm really hoping I don’t put a strain on any of my friendships, but from talking to peeps it seems nearly everyone has had to go through this to move here. to say thankyou I plan on doubling as a friends on the sofa to house maid as well, tidy, hoover, do any and all washing up. anything I can to say thanks until I get my own place. And then when i get paid, I'm taking them all out for dinner! and then go back to being skint for another month haha.
We are now at T-minus 7 days till I start my new job in the big city, my final days here will be spent with friends, this Friday I will party hard within the walls of Totally Wired down town and when midnight strikes I will be the ripe age of 21!..... for the 6th time..... well I still feel 21 anyway! Saturday will be spent meeting friends with some quiet drinks in the evening, Sunday i say goodbye once again to home town and head to London where i probably wont sleep much before getting up at a time I haven't seen in god knows how long to get to work for 8:30AM!
So time for maybe quite alot of new?
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